Start a Blog!

I decided I would take the time to write an extra entry today because today is my blog’s two year anniversary, here’s a link to the very first entry, if you’d like to see it. My only real regret about my blog, is that I didn’t start keeping it earlier! It makes me very happy that I have continuous posts of writing going back to 2011. It gives me a look at how my writing style has changed and evolved over that time, but above all, it gives me a look at how I personally have changed over that time too and in a few more years it will be even more expansive and valuable to me. There are so many entries about small nice or funny things that happened which I may well have forgotten otherwise and it also provides me with a place to share memorable stories from my life.
    I don’t know anybody else who keeps a blog as regularly as I do, and that’s sad, really, because I’d certainly love to read something written by my friends. The problem is, I think, that it’s not fun right away. When I first started writing this blog, there were several times when it felt boring, or when it felt like a chore, and I just wanted to stop; often it was hard to think of anything to write for the entries and there were times when I didn’t want to keep writing it. But I kept going and now my blog is something that is invaluable to me. I limit myself to three entries a week (usually) so that I don’t run out of ideas but I often get so excited about my entry ideas that I can’t wait for the next posting day to come along. So, really, I think more of you should start a blog, it may not seem so at first, but it is a very rewarding exercise.

Also, since it’s been two years, I decided to go through every entry and count the number of appearances of all of my friends. I’ll post the four who have appeared the most often here along with the number of entries they are in.

1. David Tubb, whose total number of appearances is 40. (This was my expected outcome.)
2. My friend who I can’t name (but I can link to her blog), who at a very close second, is in 39 entries.
3. I wanted to just have a top three, but Dalfino Madrigal Keyte and Elliott Egan are joint in third place. Each of them have appeared 28 times.

This is blog entry 433.

(sorry, not sure if that’s interesting to anybody, but I love statistics and such, so I thought I’d make some!)

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