Time Capsule 2

In 2014, I wrote a series of questions for myself to answer exactly five years later. In my most recent blog post I did just that and it was a very enjoyable experience. It really helped me to appreciate all the things that I had gained in the time that passed and I have to admit that the me of 2019 is in a much better position than the me of 2014. So now I’m making another and the thought of my answers in 2024 is very exciting and heartwarming. So, without further ado, here we go again:

  1. Same first question as last time: is everyone still alive? That’s the most important thing!
  2. Hopefully I’m still alive too. Does my phone still work though? I’m setting a reminder to do this in my current phone, so I hope I still have it in 2024 – it will only be eight years old, so I feel like it should be fine.
  3. I have full faith in you, my future self, to still be writing this blog, so, tell me, what’s the best blog post I wrote in the last five years?
  4. What’s happening with your Finger Puppet Show? I trust that the hiatus will be over.
  5. When was the last time you saw: Amy, Ben, Chloe, Christian, Dalfino, Davey, Egan, Edward, George, Hayley, Kat, Liam, Mairi, Rory, Sarah, Sophie, Stacey, Stephanie or Tasha? Make sure to reach out to anyone you’ve not seen in a while!
  6. How is your mental health doing? I worry that if a lot of your friends go away, you will become sad and depressed – but right now you feel good and happy: don’t forget, if you are depressed, that you’ll always become happy again. Friends always come back eventually and there are always new friends to make!
  7. Are there any people who are important to you, but who I don’t know yet?
  8. Where are you working these days? Have you had many changes of job since 2019?
  9. Have you had a chance to visit any other countries yet?
  10. What’s a particularly rewarding experience you’ve had in the last five years?
  11. What do you know in 2024 which would be the most exciting piece of information for me to know in 2019?
  12. Finally, just as I said in my last time capsule, make sure to create a new one to be opened in 2029! You’ll be approaching 40 by then. Oh my.
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