A Christmas Reunion (TWAC Day 21)

Today was a very happy day for me. I met up with my friends Sam Dodd, Elliot Egan, Davey Hamlen, Chris Hunter, Dalfino Madrigal Keyte, Rory MacLellan, George Moore, Christian Watkins and Ben Wood for the first time since we all headed off for universities. We all went down to that nice restaurant The Hungry Horse. When I arrived, there was the happy surprise of free Christmas fezzes for everybody! Plus, there were party poppers and crackers and other nice festive items.
    Anywho, we wrote down all of the food we wanted on the back of a Christmas card envelope. Unfortunately, we discovered that the yuletide paraphernalia on the table meant that we couldn’t see what our table number was. I decided the best thing to do was the draw out a little map of the restaurant and point out which table was ours. Of course, after I’d finished Chris suggested I just say “the table with all the lads” but I’d already drawn the map now, so I decided I’d use it. But I guess the waiter and Chris were rather likeminded, because when I showed him the diagram he said “you could have just said the table with all the lads.”
    After a little mix up with the food we were all eating our delicious meals. I couldn’t help but hope people would want desert, if they didn’t have any, it would mean I wouldn’t be able to have any without looking greedy. But quite luckily, several of my friends have large enough appetites for deserts too… I even beat Chris Hunter in a perfectly legitimate eating race that he didn’t take part in!
    We then went down to a pub in Corsham and stayed there for the rest of the night. On the whole, this was an awesome day, and I was very happy to see all of these cool people again 😀
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