Me and Others

For me, it’s very important to have my picture taken with the people I’m closest with. I suppose it’s a little hard to explain why, but I’ll try: when I look at these pictures, even if I haven’t seen the people in them for a long time, seeing myself with them in the picture really helps me to ‘feel’ the relationship. This is especially nice if I’m ever feeling a bit sad, because I can look through these and it cheers me up. It’s quite a shame though, because there are people who I’m no longer in touch with who have moved on to more exciting people and things, and I wish I had had my picture taken with them while we were still close friends, then I could look at the pictures and remember more clearly the feeling and happiness of those past friendships. There’re also a large number of close friends who I am STILL in contact with, but, unfortunately, the chance to be photographed together just hasn’t come up yet. But here they are anyway, all taken from a folder on my desktop called Super Cool People:

All of these pictures have a unique name too, so, some people might like to know those names:

1. Brother Sam
2. Kool Kristen
3. Lovely Lad Egan
4. My Best (Internet) Friend
5. My Super Suedo Sister (an intentional typo there, bit of an in-joke)
6. The Holmes to My Watson
7. The Infinitely Kind and Helpful Rory

So, yes, bit of a personal entry today, I suppose. I kind of had three reasons for writing this: One, so that my friends who aren’t included will think “I must be sure to get my picture with Adam…” (and there are quite a few, sadly) and, two, I was feeling quite lazy, and this entry didn’t really require much thought or imagination (sorry!) and, three, so that these pictures are nicely backed up on my blog, in case of emergency (always nice to have an extra place to keep them!).

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