Monthly Archives: May 2024

Spider-Man/Deadpool Omnibus

Spider-Man and Deadpool are two of my favourite characters in the Marvel universe, so I was very curious about this volume. Marvel encompasses so many different types of story, and I feel that the adventures of Spider-Man feel much more … Continue reading

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Everyday Sexism by Laura Bates

I was aware of the Everyday Sexism project from its very earliest days. For those who are unfamiliar, Laura Bates was using both the Everyday Sexism website and its social media platforms to raise awareness for the misogyny that women … Continue reading

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Out of Office by Charlie Warzel and Anne Helen Petersen

I am a huge advocate for employers letting their employees work from home whenever it’s possible, and so I was naturally very curious about this book. Not only does it look at the many different ways that businesses have approached … Continue reading

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New Moon by Stephenie Meyer

When I started reading Twilight, I did so with extremely low expectations. I only ever heard about it mentioned in the context of being one of the worst things ever written. As it happens though, I thought it was okay. … Continue reading

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