Category Archives: Doctor Who

Doctor Who: The Betrothal of Sontar

This graphic novel collects together several comic adventures of the Tenth Doctor and Rose that were originally published in Doctor Who magazine between 2006 and 2007. It’s quite a nostalgic collection for me, because I read most of them when … Continue reading

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Doctor Who: Deceit by Peter Darvill-Evans

The thirteenth of the Doctor Who Virgin New Adventures novels is quite exciting for a number of reasons. For one thing, it sees the return of Ace, and after the circumstances of their departure in Love & War, I was … Continue reading

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Doctor Who and The Invasion from Space by J. L. Morrissey

This novel is something of an historic milestone, because it’s the first ever unique Doctor Who novel. There had been novelisations, comics, and short stories, but this was the first novel – and the first of many too, as there … Continue reading

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Doctor Who: The Day She Saved the Doctor

Four female authors write a Doctor Who story each, and each one sees a different female character in the Doctor Who universe stepping up to save the Doctor at some point. Published to mark the occasion of the first female … Continue reading

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Doctor Who and the Revenge of the Cybermen by Terrance Dicks

Revenge of the Cybermen is not one of my favourite Doctor Who stories. It has its charms, but I think it’s quite bland, and it makes the Cybermen just feel like generic enemy aliens. It might seem odd that I … Continue reading

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Doctor Who: Empire of the Wolf by Jody Houser

I bought this graphic novel knowing nothing about it other than that the front cover looked cool. Based on that piece of art, I thought it was about Rose Tyler becoming corrupted by the power of the Bad Wolf and … Continue reading

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Time Lord Victorious: The Knight, The Fool and The Dead by Steve Cole

The Time Lord Victorious series is an interesting project: it’s a multi-media Doctor Who story arc which encompasses multiple incarnations of the Doctor and is told through books, comics, audio dramas and, probably, other formats as well. It’s really intriguing. … Continue reading

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Doctor Who: At Childhood’s End by Sophie Aldred

If I had to choose a favourite companion from the classic era of Doctor Who, there’s a good chance that I would choose Ace. Sophie Aldred did a brilliant job of bringing to life a wonderfully nuanced character, and tonnes … Continue reading

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Doctor Who: Transit by Ben Aaronovitch

Virgin’s Doctor Who New Adventures have a reputation for being too dark and edgy. Transit, the tenth book in the series, is perhaps the most infamous for this reason. In fact, it is generally regarded as being quite bad because … Continue reading

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Doctor Who: Love and War by Paul Cornell

In order to stop the Doctor Who series of novels from stagnating, the writers decided that it was time to mix up the cast of characters a little, just as would happen every few years or so in the TV … Continue reading

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