
I have been a professional writer for ten years and I currently work as the Senior Ecommerce Writer at Network-N Media. I love writing, and at this point in my career, have probably surpassed 1,000 published articles, but the following is a list of the published works I am most proud of:


Creative Non-Fiction




All writing credits

Below is a complete and alphabetical list of businesses I’ve written for and publications I’ve been published in:

  • A Man Eating Pie
  • Anthony Nanson’s Deep Time Blog
  • Awen Publications
  • Crazyx Comix
  • Earl Hamner Birthday Book
  • FutureProof Digital Media
  • Hawthorn Press
  • Kitewriting
  • Lightning Made of Owls
  • The Loadout
  • Network-N Media
  • Natural Spa Factory
  • PCGamesN
  • Perspectives Magazine
  • Pocket Tactics
  • Project Naked
  • Rice Digital
  • Roar B2B
  • RomanCart
  • Rotork
  • Seeker Digital
  • Sellr
  • SmartDatingUK
  • Twisted Endings
  • Valve World
  • Wargamer
  • Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC)

(This list does not include publications and websites that republished press released I wrote verbatim.)