For the past six months I’ve been working for RomanCart as a content marketer and close followers of my work will have doubtlessly have seen some of the blog posts I’ve written for them. Sadly, today was my last regular day there and I’ll certainly miss working there. In January I’ll be writing occasional RomanCart posts (I should be working for them for one day a week) and I’ll also be writing for another business: FurtureProofMedia. I start there tomorrow, in fact, and should be working regularly for them for a while until I (hopefully) get a contract. I’m quite excited to get started and I hope it goes well. I’m very lucky to have another job lined up so quickly and I hope I will have a steady and reliable source of income soon. This will be the fifth job I’ve had since university and it will be nice when I finally have job which I can count on in the long term… Hopefully tomorrow will be the start of that!