For Christmas I got the game Minecraft for the Xbox 360. So far, I absolutely love it and I don’t imagine getting tired of it any time soon. I’d go as far as to say it’s one of my all-time favourite games (I’ll write a review at some point). What makes this even more exciting (for me) is the fact that you can download ‘skin packs’ which allow you to play as characters from other franchises. I really love things being connected. In this screenshot I am playing as Banjo ( the character on the right, from Banjo-Kazooie, a favourite of mine) and my brother is playing as Master Chief (the character on the left, from the popular Halo series). Someone at Rare (or perhaps 4J Studios) even gave an explanation for why Banjo would be in the world of Minecraft. This gives me a special kind of happiness and excitement, or, I believe I could say, this is really something for me to squee over.