As regular readers will know, I recently made the transition from Weebly to WordPress as my content management system and I also got my own domain. This was an excellent step in the right direction for this blog and I am really happy with it (plus it was an excellent gift from a close friend, too.) One minor side effect was that a few blog posts have been damaged in terms of formatting and so I have been going have and adjusting a few older blog posts recently.
When I go over my older blog posts to reformat them, there’s one thing which sticks out in particular: my older blog posts were so much better than my recent ones. I had so many little anecdotes to share and so many reflective posts which seemed to have real value to them. These days, while I am still pleased with the video game and book reviews I’ve written, I feel like I’ve really let the quality of the other blog posts slip. I need to try harder.
I think the problem is that I somehow got into the habit of quickly writing these posts before I head off to bed – I don’t give myself enough time to properly plan out and develop any significant blog entries. But I want to take the initiative now to get out of this downward incline and start to improve. WordPress tells me that this is the 1,000th post on this blog, which makes it a very fitting time to vow to improve. Monday’s blog post is going to be a rather reflective piece about this blog, and I hope to build upwards from there.
When I do this well, keeping this blog can be a very rewarding experience for me, a fantastic way for me to record my feelings and experiences and, hopefully, an enjoyable read for others too.
(Don’t miss today’s Finger Puppet Show!)