The other day it was International Friendship Day and, due to a slight mix up, I accidentally thought that it was actually today. Anyway, regardless of that minor technicality, International Friendship Day is something I actually like to celebrate in quite a real way. I always take the time to send messages to every friend I have – whether they’re somebody with whom I’ve shared a close relationship for years or people who I have just had one or two nice interactions with. I like all of these people to know that they are valued and not only is it probably nice for them all to receive a message complimenting them, but it’s also very nice for me to get replies from all of those people.
I think it’s a shame that this isn’t something which everybody does, because there are days to celebrate familial relationships and days to celebrate romantic relationships, but friendship is something which kind of gets left at the wayside. It’s a problem of society as a whole, I think, that friendship is not valued. A day like this would always be something to look forward to and not only that, but it would help lonely people to feel valued, because people would be encouraged to share affection with all the people in their life, even those who otherwise might have been taken for granted. But, in the meantime, I will just honour the day in my own way. I look forward to next International Friendship Day.