A couple of weeks ago I received a very nice notebook as a late Christmas present. For a long time I’d wanted to start keeping a dream journal and so this very fancy notebook has now become my dream journal. They say that, if you keep a dream journal it will help you to remember your dreams and to eventually achieve lucid dreams. For those who may not know, a lucid dream is a dream where you are aware of the fact that you are in a dream and have a certain amount of control over it as a result.
Well, it seems to have worked quite well because I had a lucid dream just the other day! I was walking through Corsham, when I realised that it was a dream! Was I in full control? Well, I thought I’d test this by deciding it’d be nice to have a bus ride. I then walked down to the bus stop, got on the next bus (a double decker, of course) for free (!) and rode down to Bath. It had all the joy of riding a bus, along with all the comfort of sleeping in a bed. I hope to have another lucid dream again soon, as it felt spectacular.
(Don’t miss the two Finger Puppet Shows of the week: Wednesday’s and Friday’s)