I’m currently in the same situation as just about everyone else at the moment: self-isolating in order to do my bit to avoid the spread of coronavirus. For me, this is quite a significant change as I am generally someone who goes out to visit friends very frequently. Being inside all the time is a little frustrating, but, actually, it’s not that bad. I’ve got plenty of books to read and video games to play – plus my housemate Sophie makes for excellent company.
It’s funny, because people seem to expect she and I to get ‘fed up’ with one another, but I find that very cynical. Maybe we don’t because we’re both pretty patient and easygoing people. Or maybe it’s just normal for friends to enjoy one another’s company.
Anyway, with this newfound time on my hands I thought to myself “Hey, why don’t I get back into my old routine of updating my webcomic and blog more often?” Well, good question, me. The reason I haven’t yet done this is that most of my ideas tended to come to me when I was out and about in the world. But who knows? Maybe I just need to get used to the new routine. I won’t be able to resume my webcomic though – for quite a few reasons. I currently don’t have access to Microsoft Paint or to my finger puppets themselves… two pretty vital components. I also don’t have the ability to go outside and take photographs for it. Alas.
Nonetheless, I will try to write more blog posts. I’ll sign off by saying that I hope everyone is wisely staying inside and avoiding unnecessary contact with others and that I hope you all are able to remain safe and well.