Today’s task is to write about three things which went well over the last seven days.
Well, I suppose the first of these should be the fact that I have completed all of these writing tasks and gained a lot of happiness from doing them all, and that’s certainly a very good thing.
My second job well done, I suppose, will link back to something I mentioned in my first writing task and that is my meeting with Dalfino Madrigal Keyte, Christian Watkins and Michael Woodham. Now, generally, I don’t like to meet with people in groups, maybe I’ll make a whole entry about my reasons why one day, but to put it simply: a one on one meeting is wonderful, a meeting with two others is good and then any meeting with three or more others is bad, with odd numbers of people being especially bad (this, of course, only applying to social events). Anyway, when I realised this event would be out of my comfort zone, I was a little concerned that I wouldn’t have any fun at all, but in the end I was perfectly fine with it and things went very well! In the end, it really was a rather lovely day.
Finally, I recently discovered a fairly short, but nice, song and it has inspired a short story and a blog entry out of me! So, that’s a happy occurrence.
With that, the writing tasks are over. As I said earlier, writing these has been very beneficial to me, and I hope you have enjoyed reading them as much as I have enjoyed writing them! I must say though, this fifth writing task seemed to be a bit of an anti-climax, some of the others were really amazing, whereas this seemed a tad mediocre (maybe because I struggled to think of what to write) but, never mind, never mind, on the whole, it they were all wonderful tasks.