I’ve heard it said from quite a few places that university is “not worth” the debt that comes with it. On the one hand, I do agree that there shouldn’t be any cost associated with education, but on the other hand, the debt that I have doesn’t bother me at all. Not only has pretty much all the work I got after leaving been a direct result of my Creative Writing degree (a degree which is often called worthless), I’ve learnt a lot more about the writing industry and learned ways to bring up the quality of my personal projects. These are all invaluable skills for my career, but beyond that, the personal experiences themselves were priceless. The relationships I developed there were all very meaningful and helped me to develop as a person and the gain a stronger understanding of life in general. So, yes, the answer for me is that university is absolutely worth it… Although, different people will have different paths.
(Don’t miss my final post for SmartDatingUK!)