Today is “Blue Monday” and for those who don’t know what that means, it’s supposedly the most depressing day of the year. With that in mind, I thought it worthwhile to focus on positivity instead. I had a think about what was the happiest colour (in contrast to the gloominess of blue) and I realised that it was beige. So I shall rechristen Blue Monday as Beige Monday and here’s a list of happy things which have happened to me in recent times:
- I watched a live stream of a video game for the first time ever. It was conducted by a good friend of mine and, in fact, was dedicated to me. The first time anything has ever been dedicated to me, so that’s pretty touching and memorable.
- After a potentially frustrating experience, I messaged a friend to tell them that I’d tell them about it later. They replied “Okay, but first I just want to be sure you’re okay” and I think that reflects a very considerate and empathetic perspective. I was touched.
- It turned out that a friend of a friend is friends with one of the lead character designers on Donkey Kong Country which lead to me getting a signed poster telling me to “keep monkeying around” and now, I feel, I can never stop doing that.
- Meeting somebody new at a job early last year, I had the impression they didn’t much care for me. Fair enough – each to their own. However, I managed to turn this around. Just three months later they came up behind me to give me a hug for being “so sweet.”
- At a wedding, I was socialising with some new people. One of them asked me why I don’t drink alcohol so I told her that I am always filled with a natural giddiness and excitement simply as a result of being alive. As we said goodbye, she said that she agreed that I did indeed carry with me a natural giddiness and excitement. It’s good to be affirmed in this.
So that’s five nice experiences which are pleasant to look back on Beige Monday. I hope that you will take the opportunity to look back on moments that made you happy in the recent past and that you got through the day with high spirits.