This entry is, if the title didn’t give it away, a response to the results of the survey I posted a few days ago. One of the common things that people said they enjoyed on my blog were my entries dedicated to people I know. If you do want one written about you, don’t hesitate to ask me, I’ll write it in a few days! But another of the thing that somebody asked me to include was drawings I had made on Paint (the computer program). The picture with today’s entry is a drawing of myself that I made for some project I was working on a few months ago (which later turned out to be a waste of time), but it shows what I can do using Paint. So now you, my faithful readers, can request me to either write an entry about you or to have yourself drawn in the style of the picture below. Although, with the entries about people, I think I’ll have to add the limitation that I have to have known you for over a year to be able to write a good one, but if you want to have me illustrate you with Paint, all I need is your picture, so if you want one done please let me know 🙂
P.S. I’ve only had five people fill out my survey, and to you five I am very thankful :D, but could more of you please fill it out if you do read my blog!