Full Circle

When I started this blog I had just finished doing all of my A Levels (or, at most, I had one or two exams left) and was just working as an MDSA at my secondary school, The Corsham School. Now, just over three years later, I’ve finished up all of my Creative Writing degree and I’ve just been offered a position as an MDSA at my primary school, Corsham Regis School (or, Academy, as it is now).

So it seems I’ve come full circle. Just as it was then, the future is now uncertain. In 2011 I was waiting to see what grades I’d gotten and whether or not Bath Spa University would accept me or not. Now I’m waiting to see what grade my degree will be and thinking over the possible career paths before me. When I first started this blog, I was worried about losing contact with my friends and indeed, I’ve drifted away from some people and I now have little to no contact with them. Thankfully, I’ve stayed in contact with others though and, if anything, our friendships have been strengthened by their continuation even after our separation.

Of course, at the time I was entirely thinking of not seeing people anymore, when the upside of it was that going to Bath Spa University meant that I met so many wonderful people (each word links to an entry about a different person) and now it’s them that I worry I’ll lose contact with. But still, I’m excited. I’ve come full circle. I’m back where I was to start with and where I was to start with was on the brink of new and exciting changes in life.

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